Monday, January 19, 2009

Nothing But a Dog And a Sheet Of Paper!

i am putting out chapters of the book inkdeath on my blog hope you people out there like it!haha!

chapter one nothing but a dog and a sheet of paper
Moonlight fell on Elinor's bathrobe,her nightdress,her bare feet,and the dog lying in front of them.Orpheus's dog.Oh,the wayhe looked at her with his eternaly sad eyes!As if asking himselfy why,in the name of all the exciting smells in the world ,she was sitting in her library in the middle of the night,surrounded by silent books,just staring into space."Why?" said Elinor in silence."Because I can't sleep,you stupid animal."But she patted his head all the same.This is what you've come come to,Elinor,she thought as she hauled herself out of the armcair.Spending your nights talking to a dog.You don't even like dogs,least of all this one,with his heavy breathing that always reminds you of his appaling master!
Still,she had kept the dog in spite of the painful memories he brought back.She'd kept the chair,too,even though the Magpie had sat in it.Mortola. . .how often Elinor thought she heard the old woman's voice when she went into the quiet library,how often she seemed to see Mortimer and Resa standing amoung the the bookshelves,or Meggie sitting by the window with a book on her lap,face hidden behind her smooth,bright hair. . . . . Memories.They where all she had left.No more tangible than the picutres conjured up by books.But what would be left if she lost those memories,too?Then she would be alone again forever---with the silence and emptiness in her heart.And an ugly dog.Her feet looked soold in the pale moonlight.Moonlight!she thought wiggling her toes in it.In many stories moonlight had magical powers.All lies.Her whole head was full of printed lies.She couldn't even look at the moon with eyes unclouded by veils of letters.Couldn't she wipe all those words out of her head and,heart,and see the world through her own eyes again,at least once?Heavens,Elinor,what a fabulous mood you're in,she thought as she made her way over to the glass case where she kept everything that Orpheus had left behind,apart from his dog.Wallowing in slef-pity,like that stupid dog rolling over in every puddle.The sheet of paper that lay behind the glass loooked like nothing special,just an ordinary peice of lined paper densley written in pale blue ink.Not to be comapred with the magnificenly illuminated books in the other display cases---even though the tracing of eveery letter showed how veery impressed Orpheus was with himself.I the fire-eleves have burned that self-satisfied smile off his lips,thought Elinor as she opened the glass case.I hope the men-at-arms have skewered him---or,even better,I hope he's starved to death in the Wayless Wood,miserabley and very slowly.It wasn't the first time she had pictured to herself Orpheus's wretched end in the inkworld.These images gave her lonley heart more pleasure than almost anything.The sheet of paper was already yellowing.To add insult to injury it was cheap stuff.And the words on it really didn't look as if though they could have spirited thier writer away to anoter world right before Elinor's eyes.Three photographs lay beside the sheet of paper---one of Meggie and two of Resa---a photo of her as a child and another of her taken only a few months ago,with Mortimer beside her,both of them smiling so happily!Hardly a night went by when Elinor didn't look at these photographs.By now,at least,the tears had stopped running down her cheeks when she did so,but they were still there in her heart.Bitter tears.Her heart was full to the brim with them,a horrible feeling.
Almost three months had passed scince thier dissapearance.In fact,Meggie had even been gone a few days longer than her parents. . .
The dog streached and came trotting drowsily over to her.He pushed his nose into her bathrobe pocket,knowing there were always a few dog biscuits in it for him."Yes,all right,all right," she murmered shoving one of the smelly things into his broad muzzle."Where is your master then?" She held the sheet of paper in front of his nose,and the stupid creature sniffed it as if he really could catch Orpheus's scent behind the words on the page.Elinor stared at the words,shaping them with her lips.In the streets of Ombra. . .She'd stood here so often over the last few weeks,surrounded by books that meant nothing to her;now she was once agian alone with them.They didn't spaek to her,just as if they knew that she'd have exchanged them all on the spot for the three people she had lost.Lost in a book."I will learn how,damn it!" Her voice soundeed defiant,like a child's."I'll learn how to read them so that they'll swallow me up,too,I will,I will!"The dog was looking at her as if he believed every word of it,but Elinor didn't,not a single one.No,she was no Silvertounge.Even if she tried or a dozen years or more,the words wouldn't make music when she spoke them.She'd loved words so much all her life.Although they didn't sing for her the way they sang for Meggie pr Mortimer---or Orpheus,damn him three times over.The peice of paper shook in her fingers as she started to cry.Here came the tears again.She'd held them back for so long,all the tears in her heart,until it was simply overflowing with them.Elinors sobs were so loud the do cowered in alarm.How ridiculous that water ran out of your eyes when your heart hurt.Tragic heroines in books tended to be amazingly beautiful.Not a word about swollen eyes or a red nose.Crying always gives me a red nose,thougt Elinor.I expect that's why I'll never be in any book."Elinor?"She spun around hastily wiping away her tears.Darius stood in the open doorway,wearing the bathrobe that she had given him for his last birthday.It was much too large for him."What is it?"she snapped.Where had that handkerchief gone this time?Sniffing,she pulled it from her sleeve and blew her nose."Three months,they've been gone now Darius!Isn't that a good reason to cry?Yes,it is.Don't look at me so pityingly with your owlish eyes.Nevermind how many books we buy,"she said,with a wide sweep of her arw toward her well filled shelves,"nevermind how many we het at auctions,swap,or steal---not one of them tells me what i want to know!Thousands of pages,and not a word on any of them with news of the only people i want to know about.Why would I be interested in anything elese?Thiers is the only story I want to hear!How is Meggie now,do you think?How are Resa and Mortimer?Are they happy,Darius?Are they still alive?Will i ever see them again?"Darius looked along the books,as if the answermight after all be found in one of them.But then,like all those printed pages,he gave her no answer."I'll go make you some hot milk and honey,"he said at last, dissappearing into the kitchen.And Elinor was alone again with the books,the moonlight,and Orpheus's ugly dog.
Keep Reading My Blog to Get The Next Chapter:Only A Village

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